Sunday, February 3, 2008

Romney for President

Governor Mitt Romney has my endorsement as I will caucus for him on February 5th in Alaska.

Despite what Barack Obama would like you to think, conservatism is the real inspiration. Conservatism is the ideology that says government is the problem. You are the solution. You are the one that makes this work. You are the one that makes this great. You are the one that is capable of more than you even know.

I have recently jumped on the Romney bandwagon. The race has come down to three corners. The McCain base, the Romney camp and the Ron Paul Revolution. The McCain base is able to survive because of moderates and independents voting for him. The Romney camp is the last group of traditional conservatives while the Ron Paul Revolution looks for an entire new way to lead the country. They pride an opposition to Iraq, want a "humble foreign policy", protecting personal freedoms and restoring fiscal discipline. Ron Paul has a strong and loyal base, but does not have a shot and does not seem to be taking votes away from any particular candidate. Mike Huckabee is still in the race. Because the nominee with either be McCain or Romney, a vote for Huckabee is a vote for McCain. His only base is evangelicals and they tend to have Romney as their second choice. The difference in support for Romney over McCain is not overwhelming, but clear.

When it comes down to the core, it is most crucial that we keep a liberal out of the White House in 2008. We must continue to fight the war against those who want to destroy us and everything we stand for. War is never easy or fun, but sometimes necessary. Peace through strength is the only way we will overcome. Also, the economy under the ideal of liberalism would mean higher taxes, more spending, and more regulation. The last time these policies were in place in an unchanging economy was the Carter Administration.

Mitt Romney is not unelectable as many in the media would love for you to think. He has charisma, a strong understanding of the past, an even stronger vision for the future and even good looks. All of these factor into decision making during the general election. Both Clinton and Obama score fairly well in these areas. To put a candidate against them without these characteristics would give us early results to a loss.

One of his strongest credentials though, would be his understanding of the economy. He understands it from the working in the private sector and overseeing it from the government sector. He is the only candidate that has a firm hold on foreign economics. The rise of China and India is not surprising news to him as he has plans to strengthen America's competitiveness in the world economy. He wants to lower the corporate tax rate (the 2nd highest in the world), makes the Bush tax cuts permanent, reform immigration, provide 21st century education, strengthen transportation and pass tort reform. The many corners of what makes the economy flow is addressed in his vision.

He is a clean spoken American that demands success at everything he tackles and his past has shown that. The governor stands out in his experience because his resume is not just a list of all the office titles he has held. It is story after story of him turning obstacles into success.

He demanded success when he went to college receiving his B.A., with Highest Honors, from Brigham Young University in 1971. In 1975, he was awarded an MBA from Harvard Business School, where he was named a Baker Scholar, and a J.D., cum laude, from Harvard Law School.

He demanded success when he started his business career to grow and improve the operations of companies. In 1984 he found Bain Capital, one of the nation's most successful venture capital and investment companies.

He demanded success in 2002 when he was called on to turn around the Salt Lake City winter Olympics in controversy and a financial crisis.

But most of all, he has made it clear that he will demand success in the White House. Elections are about the people that want a better future and he has no trouble recognizing that.

The Republican nominee will have an uphill battle ahead of them to the Presidency as there is much uncertainty facing the country. Romney is the one ready to bring his case of optimism and a strong country to the American people. That's what wins elections.

"And if you believe that as I do, that our source of strength is our people, then when America faces a new generation of challenges like we do today you don't look to government. You don't look to make government bigger. You don't look to make government stronger. You look to make the people stronger. Because that has always been and will always be the source of our destiny. And when we need to call on the strength of America we look to strengthen the American people."
-Governor Romney

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